Road To Emmaus- Luke 24- April 17 - May 1
Road To Emmaus- Luke 24- April 17 - May 1
Following his resurrection, Jesus appeared to many of his followers. We heard the story of Jesus and Thomas on April 7. This story is of Jesus meeting two of his disciples on the road to Emmaus. It points to how we can meet Jesus in the breaking of the bread that is communion. Where in our daily travels might we meet Jesus? Do we have the eyes to see him?
Hear the Story (April 17-24)
We encourage you to share the story of Jesus and the disciples on the road to Emmaus this week. Read them the story from their Children's Story Bible. This video (4 minutes) tells the whole story of Jesus that includes his death and resurrection as well as the road to Emmaus. This video (2:30 minutes) tells the story of the road to Emmaus alone.
Engage/Live the Story (April 24- May 1)
This week we encourage you to engage/live the story of Jesus meeting the disciples on the road to Emmaus. We have several great examples here, but feel free to explore things with your children in a way that works for your family.
- Make bread together and talk about places where you have met the risen Jesus in your own life. When you share that bread at a meal, ask each other the question, why do we seem to learn so much about people over a meal? Who is someone you have gotten to know better through eating with them?
- You could have your children draw a picture of them on a road with Jesus walking beside them. Ask them questions about where they are going in the picture and what Jesus is saying to them.
- You could make a pair of binoculars using some toilet paper tubes. Tape them together and decorate them. What can you spot with your new binoculars? If you have a real pair, help your children use them. What can you see better through the binoculars than with your naked eye? Why is that helpful? How can we better see Jesus in the world?
- Here are some coloring sheets for you to complete.
- Here are some activity sheets.
Share the Story
We invite you to share with us how you have covered this as a family. Send us pics of what you and your children have created. Let us know if there was some big discovery you made. We’d love to share what you are doing with our larger church family. E-mail these things to You can also post to our Facebook page if you prefer.
Resurrection!- Mathew 27-28- April 3 -17
Resurrection! – Matthew 27-28- April 3- 17
The story of Jesus’ resurrection is another one that can be difficult for children to understand. We do not pretend to understand how the resurrection of Jesus happened. We are just glad that it did. For in his dying and rising, Jesus broke the hold death has over us.
Hear the Story (April 3- 10)
We encourage you to share the story of the resurrection of Jesus this week. Read them the story from their Children's Story Bible. This video (4 minutes) tells the whole story from his arrest and crucifixion to his resurrection in a simple way, suitable for younger children.
Engage/Live the Story (April 10-17)
This week we encourage you to engage/live the story of Jesu’ resurrection. We have several great examples here, but feel free to explore things with your children in a way that works for your family.
- me time as a family to go back over the events of this past Holy Week. From Jesus’ triumphant entry on Palm Sunday, to the meal and betrayal of Maundy Thursday, his trial and crucifixion on Good Friday, and his resurrection on Sunday! Have your children tell you the story in their own words and then everyone draw a picture of Jesus’ Easter resurrection
- Here are some coloring sheets for you to complete.
- Here are some activity sheets.
Share the Story
We invite you to share with us how you have covered this as a family. Send us pics of what you and your children have created. Let us know if there was some big discovery you made. We’d love to share what you are doing with our larger church family. E-mail these things to You can also post to our Facebook page if you prefer.
Holy Week and Easter (Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday)- March 24-29
Holy Week (Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday)- March 24- March 29-
We begin to walk with Jesus through Holy Week. Make some Palms to wave as Jesus enters into Jerusalem! Or color a picture of his entry.
You can watch this video (3 min) about Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.
You can also journey with Jesus through the week and watch this video (3.5 minutes) on Maundy Thursday. And this one (3 minutes) on Good Friday.
This is one of those weeks where literally we can walk with Jesus each day. We encourage you to just share the story of this week with your children. Reading a bit each day and talking about with this means to you and your understanding of who Jesus is and how Jesus shows us God’s love for us and for the world.
Easter! (March 31)
We buried the Alleluia’s back on February 14 as a way to observe the solemnity of Lent. Today, we let them loose with a loud shout of celebration, praise and thanksgiving. Color and cut out your own Alleluia Butterfly! Spend the week randomly shouting “Alleluia” in celebration of Jesus’ resurrection, but also the other things in our lives we give thanks to God for; our food, the beautiful sun, plants beginning to grow! It’s a week of celebration!
Jesus is Arrested and Crucified-Mark14-15- February 28 - March 13
Jesus is Arrested and Crucified- Mark 14-15- February 28- March 13
The story of Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion can be a difficult one to talk to children about. Depending on the age and understanding of your children you can talk about it as the Beginner’s Bible does as part of God’s plan and that while sad, there is a surprise that is coming. You can talk about how people thought they were doing what God wanted, but didn’t see who Jesus was. You can talk about it as one of the ways people can be so cruel to each other, but God loves them even then. However you talk about it, this moment is important to make sure your children are familiar with, especially as we enter Holy Week March 24- 30.
Hear the Story (February 28- March 6)
We encourage you to share the story of Jesus being arrested and crucified. Read them the story from their Children's Story Bible. This short video (2 minutes) tells the story in a simple way, suitable for younger children. The first four minutes of this video tells the larger story. I would invite you not to get to the Easter story until we celebrate it on March 31 at a whole church. Make them wait for the rest of the story.
Engage/Live the Story (March 6 – March 13)
This week we encourage you to engage/live the story of Jesus being arrested and crucified. We have several great examples here, but feel free to explore things with your children in a way that works for your family.
- In the Gospel of Luke (23:34) Jesus says of those who are crucifying him, “Father, forgive them, they do not know what they are doing.” This is God’s love for us. Talk with your children about ways we can show love for others even when they are hurting us. Maybe there is something with a younger (or older) sibling. Or someone from school. Help them be so bold as to take a positive and loving action towards that person.
- Here are some coloring sheets for you to complete.
- Here are some activity sheets.
Share the Story
We invite you to share with us how you have covered this as a family. Send us pics of what you and your children have created. Let us know if there was some big discovery you made. We’d love to share what you are doing with our larger church family. E-mail these things to You can also post to our Facebook page if you prefer.
We’ll take a break until the beginning of April! Enjoy the Holy Week and Easter story with your children at worship with us!
The Widow's Offering-Mark12- February 14 - 28
The Widow's Offering- Mark 12- February 14-28
Jesus was sitting in the Temple watching as people put money into the Temple Treasury which supported the work of the Temple. In their minds, supported the work of God. When a widow puts in the smallest amount you could, Jesus told his disciples this was the person to emulate. For the wealthy put in large sums, but a small part of their overall wealth. This kind of “all in” attitude is what Jesus wants us to have in following him.
Hear the Story (February 14-21)
We encourage you to share the story of the widow’s offering of two small coins throughout the week. Read them the story from their Children's Story Bible. This short video (46 seconds) tells the story in a simple way, suitable for younger children. This version (1 ½ minute) tells the story in a larger context.
Engage/Live the Story (February 21-28)
This week we encourage you to engage/live the story of the widow’s offering of two small coins. We have several great examples here, but feel free to explore things with your children in a way that works for your family.
- Take your children on a scavenger hunt through the house, the couch, the car for all the change you can find (you might plant some beforehand if you need). Then decide together where you might donate what you find to help others who are hungry, or without a home, or are hurting.
- Take an old can, plastic container, or other item and decorate it together with your children. Make it your “Helping Others” collection. Maybe during Lent this year (Which starts February 14) you can all place some money in that can and decide as a family how you want to use it to help others. You could also choose to add it to what you give to St. John to support how we serve others.
- Here are some coloring sheets for you to complete.
- Here are some activity sheets.
- Here is a short Sunday School curriculum that might be useful to you.
Share the Story
We invite you to share with us how you have covered this as a family. Send us pics of what you and your children have created. Let us know if there was some big discovery you made. We’d love to share what you are doing with our larger church family. E-mail these things to You can also post to our Facebook page if you prefer.
Jesus Welcomes the Children-Mark10- January 31- February 14
Jesus Welcomes the Children – Mark 10- January 31 – February 14
Jesus' disciples thought he shouldn't be bothered with children. When Jesus saw them keeping the children away, he stopped them. Instead, Jesus told his disciples he welcomes all to come to him. He also encouraged them to follow him with the wonder and energy of children.
Hear the Story (February 1 - 7)
We encourage you to share the story of Jesus welcoming the children with your child throughout the week. Read them the story from their Children's Story Bible. This short video (30 seconds) and this short video (46 seconds) tells the story in a simple way, suitable for younger children. This version (1 minute) tells the story in a larger context.
Do you like to sing? Then here are some songs to sing together. Jesus Loves the Little Children. Jesus Loves Me!
Engage/Live the Story (February 7 -14)
This week we encourage you to engage/live the story of Jesus welcoming the children you’re your children. We have several great examples here, but feel free to explore things with your children in a way that works for your family.
- Talk together about ways you can help other children to feel welcome, at church, at school, or in your community. You might see what items the UIHC Children’s Hospital needs. Or the Ronald McDonald House. Or talk to your child’s school and see what needs they have. Then work together to collect items to give. Make sure to take your child with you when you drop off the items.
- HAND TRACING: Give supplies for children to trace their own hand on a piece of paper. Color the hand and write one word on each finger of the hand for JESUS LOVES ME VERY MUCH! If children want to cut out TWO tracings of their hands, they can tape the hands together and make a “hand” puppet, to tell our story today.
- Here are some coloring sheets for you to complete.
- Here are some activity sheets: Maze, Crossword, Word Search
- Pray with your children- Remind your child that Jesus welcomes us to come to him at any time. Throughout the day, ask your child if now it is okay to pray or if Jesus is too busy for you. Spend time praying together and thanking God that He welcomes us through Jesus.
Share the Story
We invite you to share with us how you have covered this as a family. Send us pics of what you and your children have created. Let us know if there was some big discovery you made. We’d love to share what you are doing with our larger church family. E-mail these things to You can also post to our Facebook page if you prefer.
Through the Roof-Mark 2 and Luke 5- January 17-31
Through the Roof – Mark 2 and Luke 5- January 17-31
Jesus was known for his healing as well as his teaching. This is a story of how far one man’s friends would go to help him get the healing he needed.
Hear the Story (January 17-24)
We encourage you to share the story of the man coming through the roof with your child throughout the week. Read them the story from their Children's Story Bible. This short video (1 minute) tells the story in a simple way, suitable for younger children. This version (3 minutes) covers the story in some more detail.
Engage/Live the Story (January 24-31)
This week we encourage you to engage/live the story of a hole in the roof with your kids. We have several great examples here, but feel free to explore things with your children in a way that works for your family.
- Play a game to help your children think about how hard the friends worked to carry the paralyzed man. Have them use a blanket or towel to carry a soft toy around the room. Be careful not to drop the toy! You can make it a bit more challenging by adding a route through the house they have to follow. Talk with them about how hard it was for the friends to carry the man to Jesus.
- Here is a link to a paralyzed man and mat craft.
- Here are some coloring sheets for you to complete.
- Here are some activity sheets
- Talk with your children about the things we do to help our friends. Make a list of times they have helped a friend like these friends of the paralyzed man did for him. Then have a celebration of their efforts.
Share the Story
We invite you to share with us how you have covered this as a family. Send us pics of what you and your children have created. Let us know if there was some big discovery you made. We’d love to share what you are doing with our larger church family. E-mail these things to You can also post to our Facebook page if you prefer.
The Good Samaritan- Luke 10- January 3 - 17
The Good Samaritan- Luke 10- January 3-17
Jesus was once asked, “Who is my neighbor?” The person asking knew that God commanded that he love his neighbor and wanted to know who that meant. To answer, Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan. For some context, Samaritans and Jews did not get along at all! So, in making the Samaritan the hero of the story, Jesus was making a point. Any person in need in our neighbor- whether we like them or not.
Hear the Story (January 3 - 10)
We encourage you to share the story of the Good Samaritan with your child throughout the week. Read them the story from their Children's Story Bible. This short video (1.5 minutes) tells the story in a simple way, suitable for younger children. This version (3 minutes) covers the story in detail. This is a longer version (25 minutes) of the Beginners Bible Story.
Engage/Live the Story (January 10 -17)
This week we encourage you to engage/live the story of the Good Samaritan with your kids. We have several great examples here, but feel free to explore things with your children in a way that works for your family.
- Play a game of bandaging wounds with toilet paper and tape. Have your family divide into teams. Pick a limb (arm or leg) and give one person the toilet paper and tape and have them “bandage” each person on their team. The entire limb must be covered. When you are done, talk about first aid with your kids. Do they know where the bandages are in your house? How about how to call 911? This is a good time to teach them some basics.
- Make some heart shaped cookies. While you are making or decorating them, talk about what it means to love everyone, even those we don’t especially like. Who are some of the difficult people in your life to love? What would it look like to take care of them?
- Here are some coloring sheets for you to complete.
- Here are some activity sheets
- With older kids, you might talk with them about what the Samaritan did to care for his neighbor. First, when he saw a need he stopped. How difficult is that first step. To stop when you see someone crying. When you notice another kid off by themselves. When you see the car stopped by the side of the road. Second, he gave first aid. He assessed the need and stopped the bleeding, bound the wounds. For us, assessing the need may be asking, “What’s wrong?” “You seem sad, is everything okay?” Then offering a sympathetic ear. Third, he took the wounded man to a place to get better care. There are limits to what we can do for people. Once we apply first aid, then we take them to the hospital, or to a counselor, or their parents. Somebody who can give them better care than we can. Finally, the Samaritan promised to check up on him. He left him to get better but did not desert him. He continued to offer what he could, his friendship.
Share the Story
We invite you to share with us how you have covered this as a family. Send us pics of what you and your children have created. Let us know if there was some big discovery you made. We’d love to share what you are doing with our larger church family. E-mail these things to You can also post to our Facebook page if you prefer.
Isaiah and Zechariah Proclaim! December 17-24, 2023
Proclaim! An Advent Study
Our Children’s Faith Formation for this month will follow the Mid-week Advent Worship focus. We invite you and your children to participate in that worship, but also feel free to use these resources. We will be collecting what our children and the congregation create on Wednesdays and then our children will lead our worship on Sunday morning December 24 at 9:00 am and use those responses as part of their own Proclamation.
If your child would like to participate in leadership that morning (reading, etc) but cannot be present, contact Pastor Brian at and we’ll see if we can make other arrangements.
Zechariah and Isaiah Proclaim! December 17 - 24
Zechariah is a priest who serves the Temple and was the father of John the Baptist. He is excited to (finally) have a son, but he also proclaims his joy as a follower of God that in the one his son John will point to, God has acted. Isaiah was a prophet of God, someone who proclaimed God’s word to God’s people. He did this during a time of great turmoil for the people of Israel. He proclaims that God will send a perfect king for God’s people. This king is Jesus.
Both men believe that God is faithful- fulfilling God’s promise to come and save God’s people.
Read Luke 1:68-70 and Isaiah 12:6
Here are some pictures of Zechariah and Isaiah to color.
This short video talks about the reading from Luke and what it means for Zechariah. This video talks about the prophet Isaiah.
As a family, think about how God has been faithful to you in your life? What has God provided for you and your family (food, home, clothes, health…). Once you have a list, create a family song of thankfulness to God for those things. If you are musical- add some of your own music. Feel free to share the results with us!
Elizabeth and Mary Proclaim! December 10-17, 2023
Proclaim! An Advent Study
Our Children’s Faith Formation for this month will follow the Mid-week Advent Worship focus. We invite you and your children to participate in that worship, but also feel free to use these resources. We will be collecting what our children and the congregation create on Wednesdays and then our children will lead our worship on Sunday morning December 24 at 9:00 am and use those responses as part of their own Proclamation.
If your child would like to participate in leadership that morning (reading, etc) but cannot be present, contact Pastor Brian at and we’ll see if we can make other arrangements.
December 10- 17- Elizabeth and Mary Proclaim!
Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist and Mary, the mother of Jesus both have something to proclaim about God as well as the boys that they are mothers to.
Read their proclamations from Luke 1:41-44 and Luke 1:46-49.
Both Mary and Elizabeth are filled with joy and song at what God is doing through them and their children.
Here are some pictures of Mary and Elizabeth to color.
You can also watch this video for a brief overview of the story of Mary and Elizabeth and their sons.
As a family sit down with a sheet of paper and write or draw on it what you are giving thanks to God for in this Advent season. What has God provided you that makes you dance with joy as John the Baptist did in Elizabeth’s womb when he heard the sound of Mary’s voice?
The Angels Proclaim! December 3 - 10, 2023
Proclaim! An Advent Study
Our Children’s Faith Formation for this month will follow the Mid-week Advent Worship focus. We invite you and your children to participate in that worship, but also feel free to use these resources. We will be collecting what our children and the congregation create on Wednesdays and then our children will lead our worship on Sunday morning December 24 at 9:00 am and use those responses as part of their own Proclamation.
If your child would like to participate in leadership that morning (reading, etc) but cannot be present, contact Pastor Brian at and we’ll see if we can make other arrangements.
December 3- 10- The Angels Proclaim!
The angels proclaim many things about John the Baptist and Jesus.
Read the stories from Luke 1:16-17, Luke 1:31-33, and Matthew 1:20-21.
You can also watch this video to hear the story of the angels visit to Mary. This video is of the angel’s visit to Zechariah about John the Baptist.
We’ll also be inviting members to take this outline of an angel and write in it who Jesus is to us and our lives. Take some time to do this as a family. Is Jesus like your best friend? Or an older sibling? Is he a comforter or a rock that anchors you? Write in the outline of the angel what you would proclaim Jesus to be and then please share your pictures with us!
Saul the King- 1 Samuel 9-15. November 8 - 29, 2023
Samuel grew up to be a great prophet and judge. The people came to him because they wanted a king, like all the other nations. God told Samuel they could have their king, but they might regret it later. That king was Saul, who looked the part, but maybe wasn’t the best choice.
Hear the Story (November 8 – November 15)
We encourage you to share the story of King Saul with your child throughout the week. Read them the story from their Children's Story Bible. This short video (1 minute) tells the story in a simple way, suitable for younger children. This version (4 minutes) covers the story in detail.
Engage/Live the Story (November 15 – November 29)
This week we encourage you to engage/live the story of King Saul with your kids. We have several great examples here, but feel free to explore things with your children in a way that works for your family.
- Play a game of You’re the King with your family. You start as the King and everyone else are servants. Name something you want, and they have 15 seconds to bring you what you asked for.
Anything that meets your criteria counts. If they can’t bring you what you asked for within 15 seconds, they’re out. Items you already have in front of you count if they can apply it to meet the new criteria. The last one in the game wins and becomes the King for the next round.
Some ideas of what to ask for include:
Something of a certain color
Something of a certain shape
Something that reminds you of the Bible
Something that reminds you of Jesus
Something you would use for a certain purpose
Part of the fun could be naming criteria that a lot of items meet and then narrowing it down to criteria that only a few items in your area meet.
- Have everyone in the family design their own King or Queen. Give them a piece of paper and some drawing utensils and ask them to design their own King of Queen. What would that person look like? What kinds of qualities would they have? Why did you choose those qualities and not others. You can go on to ask the question of whether there are any qualities that might not be good for a king or queen.
- Here are some coloring sheets for you to complete.
- Have everyone make their own crown, like King Saul got. You can create our own or use this template.
- This craft gets us thinking about how Samuel followed God even when he didn’t want to.
Share the Story
We invite you to share with us how you have covered this as a family. Send us pics of what you and your children have created. Let us know if there was some big discovery you made. We’d love to share what you are doing with our larger church family. E-mail these things to You can also post to our Facebook page if you prefer.
Samuel's Call- 1 Samuel 3. October 25 - November 8, 2023
Samuel was born to a barren mother in answer to her prayers. She dedicated his life and service to God. Samuel was a faithful servant of God for all of his life. We’ll hear the story of Samuel’s call from God as a young boy over the next few weeks
Hear the Story (October 25 – November 1)
We encourage you to share the story of Samuel with your child throughout the week. Read them the story from their Children's Story Bible. This video (3 minutes) tells the story in a simple way, suitable for younger children. This version (2.5 minutes) from Saddleback Kids covers the story in detail.
Engage/Live the Story (November 1 – November 8)
This week we encourage you to engage/live the story of Samuel’s call with your kids. We have several great examples here, but feel free to explore things with your children in a way that works for your family.
- Eli told Samuel to listen to God’s voice calling him. Play some listening games together as a family. Have your children sit with their heads down on the table and their eyes closed. Make different sounds and have them try to guess what the sound is. You can use a smart phone to do this by looking up sounds on YouTube or items around the house such as knocking on the door, a timer, or crinkling paper. Is it always easy to tell what something is by its sound? Sometimes, like Samuel, we need help figuring out what the sound is.
- You can find some fun activity sheets here. These include word search and crossword puzzles.
- Here are some coloring sheets for you to complete.
- Here is a fun Listening Ears craft you can do with your children. Talk about times that it is important to listen to others. Share any times you have felt like God is talking to you. What was that like? How did you know it was God talking? Have you told your children the story of how you and your spouse met?
Share the Story
We invite you to share with us how you have covered this as a family. Send us pics of what you and your children have created. Let us know if there was some big discovery you made. We’d love to share what you are doing with our larger church family. E-mail these things to You can also post to our Facebook page if you prefer.
A Faithful Daughter- Ruth 1-4. October 11- 25, 2023
The book of Ruth tells the story of a woman, not an Israelite, who trusted God. She did this even when bad things were happening to her. In the end, good things happened to her. And, she is one of the ancestors of Jesus! We are thankful for faithful people like Ruth.
Hear the Story (October 11 - October 18)
We encourage you to share the story of Ruth with your child throughout the week. Read them the story from their Children's Story Bible. This video (1.5 minutes) tells the story from the Beginners Bible. This longer version (3.5 minutes) from Saddleback Kids covers the story in more detail.
Engage/Live the Story (October 18- October 25)
This week we encourage you to engage/live the story of Ruth with your kids. We have several great examples here, but feel free to explore things with your children in a way that works for your family.
- Ruth followed Naomi back to Israel. Have family members take turns playing follow the leader. What different places in your house, yard, or neighborhood did you go because someone else was leading you? Why might that be a good thing for all of us.
- Here is an easy craft with a paper bag to make a basket. Like the one Ruth took to collect grain.
- You can find some fun activity sheets here.
- Here are some coloring sheets for you to complete.
- As a family, take some baskets and see what you can collect from your yard or neighborhood. It might not be wheat, like Ruth collected, but it tells you something about where you live. What did you learn from your collection?
- Have you told your children the story of how you and your spouse met? Maybe share that story with them to see how the Ruth and Boaz story works in real life.
Share the Story
We invite you to share with us how you have covered this as a family. Send us pics of what you and your children have created. Let us know if there was some big discovery you had. We’d love to share what you are doing with our larger church family. E-mail these things to You can also post to our Facebook page if you prefer.
A Flawed Judge- Samson- Judges 13-16. September 27 - October 11, 2023
Before Israel had a king, they had judges. These weren’t people in black robes sitting in court. Rather, they were spiritual and military leaders that they turned to for help in important circumstances. Some were really good people. Some were more a mix of bad and good. But all were those chosen by God. We’ll be learning about one of these judges, Samson.
Hear the Story (September 27- October 4)
We encourage you to share the story of Samson with your child throughout the week. Read them the story from their Children's Story Bible. This video (2 minutes) tells the story from the Beginners Bible. This longer version (5 minutes) from Saddleback Kids covers the story in more detail.
Music: This is a simple song that reminds us that God is strong and mighty- even mightier than Samson!
Engage/Live the Story (October 4- October 11)
This week we encourage you to engage/live the story of Samson with your kids. We have several great examples here, but feel free to explore things with your children in a way that works for your family.
- Are there times where you or your child have asked for help to be strong? Share those times with each other. It might be getting help to move something, or encouragement to keep running, or stick with something difficult. How is that like God giving Samson his strength back one more time?
- Here are some activity sheets for Samson’s story. They include a crossword puzzle and maze among other activities.
- Here are some coloring sheets for you to complete.
- As a family, take some hats and attach yarn to it to make it look like you have long hair when you wear it. While wearing the hat, see who can lift the heaviest object. Then go out for ice cream, because that’s a better ending to the story than Samson had!
Share the Story
We invite you to share with us how you have covered this as a family. Send us pics of what you and your children have created. Let us know if there was some big discovery you had. We’d love to share what you are doing with our larger church family. E-mail these things to You can also post to our Facebook page if you prefer.
Entering the Promised Land- The Walls of Jericho- Joshua 6- September 20-27, 2023
As the Israelites enter into the promised land the must get past the great city of Jericho. But with their great walls, how will the nomadic tribes of Israel do that? They must trust in God and an unlikely helper from within the city!
Hear the Story (September 13-20)-
We encourage you to share the story of the walls of Jericho with your child throughout the week. Read them the story from their Children's Story Bible. This video (26 minutes) tells the whole story from the Beginners Bible. This video (3 minutes) gives a bit of an overview of the larger story that this episode is part of. This longer version (3 minutes) from Saddleback Kids covers the story in more detail.
Music: This is a simple song that can help remember the story of Jericho. This song is to the tune of London Bridge is Falling Down.
Engage/Live the Story (September 20-27)
This week we encourage you to engage/live the story of the walls of Jericho with your kids. We have several great examples here, but feel free to explore things with your children in a way that works for your family.
- The Israelites walked around the walls of Jericho quietly 1 time for 6 days. Try doing this with your house or property as a family. Take a slow walk around, being quiet and just listening and observing things about your property. Then sit down together and share what each of you saw and heard. Keep track of those things and see what changes over the 6 days. Make sure to say a prayer giving thanks to God for those things that you see and hear!
- The Israelites are successful because they listen to God, even when it doesn’t seem to make much sense. What are some of the other things God tells us to do which don’t seem to make much sense? (Love our enemies, pray for those who hurt us, etc.) Everyone try something this week that God calls us to which doesn’t make much sense to us. Then come together as a family and see how that went.
- This would be a perfect time to play Jenga, or build a big structure with your legos, or even take some common materials you can find around the house (cardboard, tape, paper, string) and have a competition to see who can build the tallest stable structure. What does it take to build something tall and stable? Can you imagine how big and solid those walls of Jericho must have been?
- You can make your own trumpet with this activity. You can also find some coloring and activity sheets here.
Share the Story
We invite you to share with us how you have covered this as a family. Send us pics of what you and your children have created. Let us know if there was some big discovery you had. We’d love to share what you are doing with our larger church family. E-mail these things to You can also post to our Facebook page if you prefer.
God's Rules- The Ten Commandments- Exodus 19-20- September 6-13, 2023
Every family has rules for how to live together. Your family has rules (no shoes in the house, make your bed every morning…) and so does God’s family. We’ll look at the 10 basic rules God set for the Israelites (and us!) to live by in the first part of this month.
Parents, as Christians who happen to be Lutheran, we tend to number our commandments differently from most other denominations in the US. So, finding songs and stories that fit our numbering can be a bit challenging.
Here is how we number them:
- I am the Lord your God, you shall worship no other gods before me.
- You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God.
- Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.
- Honor your father and mother.
- You shall not kill
- You shall not commit adultery
- You shall not steal
- You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
- You shall not covet your neighbor’s spouse
- You shall not covet your neighbors goods
Other denominations have them this way:
- You shall have no other gods before me
- You shall not make any images of gods
- You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God.
- Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.
- Honor your father and mother.
- You shall not kill
- You shall not commit adultery
- You shall not steal
- You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
- You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor
Hear the Story (August 30 – September 6)-
We encourage you to share the story of the Ten Commandments with your child throughout the week. Read them the story from their Children's Story Bible. This cartoon tells the whole story of Moses. This short video (1.5 minutes) is from the Beginners Bible. This longer version (4 minutes) covers more of the story from Saddleback Kids.
Music: This is a simple song that can help remember the Ten Commandments.
Engage/Live the Story (September 6-13)
This week we encourage you to engage/live the story of the Ten Commandments with your kids. We have several great examples here, but feel free to explore things with your kids how it works for your family.
- Talk about your house/family rules. How are they like the rules God has for how we live together? Do God’s rules match your house rules? If so, how? If not, could that suggest ways to change your house rules.
- Cut out two pieces of construction paper to look like tablets and have your child write their version of the Ten Commandments with the first three on one tablet (these are about our relationship with God) and the other seven on the other tablet (these are about our relationship with one another). Post them somewhere you see every day and walk through them once a day with your child.
- While it doesn’t follow our numbering, this web page has some very good suggestions for how to phrase the commandments based on a child’s age.
- You can go here for coloring sheets and activity sheets for your child. We also have some family activities here.
Share the Story
We invite you to share with us how you have covered this as a family. Send us pics of what you and your children have created. Let us know if there was some big discovery you had. We’d love to share what you are doing with our larger church family. E-mail these things to You can also post to our Facebook page if you prefer.